Miche paints both inside and outside, taking her inspiration for her abstract works from the alchemy of changes in weather and sunlight across the year, the vibrancy of the plant life in the Sussex countryside and the inner landscape of feeling and emotion. 

Her figurative works draw on metaphor and on myths and stories both personal and universal. Themes of motherhood, female power, birthing and death recur through her paintings.  Her work explores the light and the dark of being a woman and a human being, connected to both the here-and-now and to the great mystery of existence.

Coming from a family of Scottish hill farmers, Yorkshire brewers and Shetland crofters, her own story has been rooted in the landscape of the UK.   She has trained in nature connection and works as an outdoor therapist, enabling people to connect more deeply with nature and with themselves, as a path to wellness and joy..

Drawing on the perspectives offered to her as a psychotherapist, healer, mother and forest school leader, she uses her love of people, plants, the Earth and the elements, and her delight in transformation and liminal experience, as fuel for her creative practice.   

Professional profile

Miche exhibited the work “The Long Winter, Waiting” in the 13 Women, 13 Men show at the Jubilee Library, Brighton, in 2012. 

She enjoys creating and crafting with children and young people, both indoors and out. In 2017 coordinated a Community Art Project at Halsford Park Primary School in East Grinstead, liaising with the Cornish artist, John Dyer, in a project to bring together all members of the school community, young and old alike. 

She has a psychotherapy practice in East Grinstead and Sheffield Park in Sussex, offering psychotherapy, counselling, eco-therapy and creativity coaching, and runs a group for mothers called The Mothers' Fire at various events, providing community connection and support for mothers of all ages.