Energy Reading - January 2022

My feeling before picking for January was that the message would be a simple one. And it is… The card is from the “Mother’s Wisdom” deck by Sulamith Wulfing.


“Receive and return LOVE.  You are forever included in the circle of divine tenderness.”

And the message I received for us is this:

“In this time of alienation from each other, from our loved ones, and with the division we are seeing in the world around us, the simple message is for us to share our love with each other. 

And, that although there may be feelings of isolation right now, to remember, or maybe come to know and understand, that just by being alive each of us is loved by the Divine. Every one of us has the essence of the Divine within us, and that essence is pure love.  So we are never, and can never be, truly separated from love. 

In giving it, we receive the feeling of it ourselves.  In receiving it, we allow it to flow through someone else. Love -in-action allows love to flow.

Resting in Love is all that’s needed for January. Loving each other and loving ourselves.

We are always held by unseen, angelic hands. Rest and know you are loved.”

* * * * * * *

Phew…. What a relief! 

Much love from me to you this month. Feeling you all in my heart,


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