Energy Reading April 2022

Hello everyone!

The card for this month comes from the Osho Zen Tarot deck, which is the deck that I use for doing Soul Readings with clients, and the deck I first used to help me to learn to read energy.


This month’s card is “No-Thingness” which depicts the field of pure potential, the Void (futile or fertile), from which all things are born.

This is a major arcana card which means that it is a ‘universal’ rather than a ‘personal’ energy.  Major arcana energies are like rivers of energy that impact us – if we choose to swim against them, we just make things harder for ourselves.  It is best to consciously embrace the flow of where this energy is taking us.

The meaning of this card from the book is:

“Being ‘in the gap’ can be disorienting and even scary.  Nothing to hold on to, no sense of direction, not even a hint of what choices and possibilities might lie ahead.  But it was just this state of pure potential that existed before the universe was created.  All you can do now is to relax into this no-thingness …. Fall into this silence between the words…. Watch this gap between the outgoing and incoming breath.  And treasure each empty moment of the experience.  Something sacred is about to be born.”

When I tuned in about this card for us at this time, this is the message I received:

“This time, this particular time right now, we are standing on the cusp of something.  So much has dissolved before our eyes, and continues to dissolve.  It’s not at all clear where we are heading.  In the cycle of creativity, the old has dissolved and the new hasn’t yet been conceived of.  No vision, no light, no clarity.  Only darkness, dreaming the dream of existence.

This space is scary and frightening in a world where you are taught to ‘know’, where you are expected to be productive, to ‘have a plan’.  But this world is being unmade before your eyes and there is nothing you can do about it. 

The message is to sit tight, harness the stillness of waiting, breathe into the silence between worlds.  April is a cusp point.  We are swiftly letting go of the dock and departing for shores unknown. 

But know that if you slow down, come to be still and then drop even deeper into yourself and your deepest knowing, your answers are there in the very fundament of who you are.  Those are the things you can trust right now. 

Hold on to those, and then wait…. listening…. Because you will be called exactly when you are needed and you will know what to do.”

* * * * * * *

A deep and slightly dramatic one for this month then. But perhaps not surprising during dramatic times….

Warm wishes to you all for April,


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