Energy Reading - March 2022

Hello, lovely people!  Welcome to your reading for this month of March.

For this month, I was guided to pick a card from the “Medicine Cards” deck, by Jamie Sams & David Carson, which offers wisdom through the medicine qualities of different animals. 


Our card for March is FROG, in the reversed position.  Frog is allied with water and fluidity and brings cleansing, clearing and clarity.

But when a card is reversed, it means that the medicine is bringing our attention to the opposite energy, because it is out of balance.  In the case of Frog, it symbolises the need for seeking out all of the “mud” in your system – body, emotions, mind, spirit – and replacing it with clear, clean, flowing energy.

What this might look like is:  taking a break, relaxing in water, detoxing or cleansing, having a good cry, doing some energy cleansing of your body or your home.  It might also involve setting boundaries in order to seal up your container to prevent energy draining out of you.  Anything that will replenish your parched spirit, body and mind.

Reading for This Month

When I tuned in to see how this card relates to us collectively, the message was this:

“When I tune into this card for us this month, I hear the words “Stop.  Take time to listen.  Listen to your own energy system, your own body, your own feelings.  How are you doing?”

If the answer to that is “a bit clogged up”, or something similar, then you are experiencing the energy of Frog Reversed. 

The message that’s coming through for us is that we have all been through so much in the last few years, and there is more happening now, and more on its way.  So, in this relentless pace of change that we are in, it’s super important to check in with ourselves and see how we are doing. 

If you are feeling a bit snowed under and have lost your sense of clarity and direction, it’s not surprising.  The world is a very different place than it was before March 2020.  All the instability and uncertainty takes its toll and we can’t just keep marching relentlessly forwards without the possibility that something will go ‘ping’ and we wind up on our backs like reversed frog, flailing in the mud. 

This is the warning of the frog card.  Attend to clearing and cleansing and resting and recuperating yourself now by choice, before something goes wrong and you are forced to do it by circumstances.

You don’t have to stop completely, but it is important to dial up your self-care, empty out what isn’t serving you, and begin to concentrate on filling your tank with what does. 

The buzzwords are REST, RECUPERATION, CLEANSING & HEALING.  Just in time for Spring-cleaning season!”

Hope that’s helpful to you.  As always, please take what resonates and let go of anything that doesn’t serve you.

Warmly, as always,

