Candle Magic for Imbolc (Feb 1-2)
Image by Valentin Salj
Imbolc is a pagan festival celebrating the returning light, and traditionally marked the beginning of spring. It was sacred to the goddess Brigid who was goddess of fire, fertility, childbirth and healing, and of the hearth and home. Stories tell that at Imbolc, Brigid sweeps through the land in her flowing white dress, sprinkling the magic of new growth in the shape of the green buds and shoots of spring, waking up the land ready for Nature’s abundance to shine forth in the coming months.
As such, Imbolc is symbolic of hope and new beginnings.
Candle Magic
As a way of marking the beginning of Spring, we can light candles on or around Imbolc in a symbolic way, making wishes and setting intentions for the coming year. It only takes 5 minutes but can be a potent way of calling in what we would like to see manifested for us and those we love in the coming year.
Image by Sixteen Miles Out
3 Wishes
The number 3 is considered to be magic in many traditions, hence the fairytale tradition of making or being granted 3 wishes. A lovely way of harnessing this magic is this:
Choose 3 candles. It’s traditional to use white candles at this time of year, to symbolise the purity of the year to come. Any white candles will do.
Pick up one candle and hold it in your hands. Whilst holding it, say out loud your wishes, hopes, dreams and intentions for the coming year for YOURSELF. Then light the candle as a symbol of activating your wishes and intentions.
Repeat this, making wishes for OTHER PEOPLE whose lives you wish blessings for.
Repeat this, now making wishes for the WORLD.
Set your three candles on a window ledge, or outside if you have a way of sheltering them so they don’t blow out. Leave them to burn right to the end, radiating your wishes out into the world along with the light they produce.
Remember to say ‘Thank you’ as you leave the candles burning, as if they have already come true. This completes the magic!
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