Energy Reading June 2022

Our card this month is HONEYSUCKLE from the Green Man Tree Oracle.

Card Meaning

In the UK, HONEYSUCKLE is traditionally associated with initiation into hidden streams of knowledge and wisdom. The presence of honeysuckle in a reading suggests that a wealth of meaning lies hidden, ready to be uncovered and explored.

The Message

When I tuned in for the month of June to find out what further wisdom there is for us in this card, this was the message I got:

“In times of great change, where it is impossible to control outwards circumstances, sometimes the only true journey is the journey inwards into the heart of the Mystery.  Wisdom hides in secret places and there are streams of knowing and knowledge that you don’t know about yet but that are becoming accessible to you right now.  The breaking apart of the stability of what you have known, both outside of you and within you, is allowing the façade to crack and the light from within to be revealed. 

It is time to journey deeper rather than farther. To root more fully into presence, to feel the call of the Earth beneath your feet, to be lured outdoors into the richness and beauty and multiplicity of Nature and to give yourself over to your birthright. 

We are beings of the Earth, whether we like it or not.  And the call for our culture is to rediscover how to connect with our roots.  There are hidden pathways of knowledge and wisdom that we forgot a long time ago, waiting to be rediscovered and reintegrated.  It is time to choose the non-obvious path and open up a new stream of understanding for the benefit of all.”

So there you have it, our reading for June. If you haven’t signed up for my mailing list and would like to, please go to the link below.

With love as always,
