New Year Energy Reading - 2022

So, after the changes and chaos and stress of 2020 and 2021, I know many of us are wondering what 2022 has in store for us. And the message is that we can expect more change…. But it comes with clear recommendations for how we can manage those changes. So, without further ado, here is the New Year Energy Reading for 2022…


Our card for the year 2022 is from The Faeries Oracle (by Brian Froud and Jessica McBeth) and is TOBIRA OF THE WATERS which symbolises Emotions, Serenity, Meditation, Gracefully accepting change.

In pagan times, it was thought that elemental beings (in other words fairy-folk) looked after the waters at holy sites, allowing them to run pure and clean and fresh, and enchanted (many believed) with healing abilities. Tobira is one of the elemental beings that look after the purity and clarity of the waters of the world.

As water is symbolic of the flow of emotions within us, she also caretakes the purity and clarity of the emotions that run through us, or that get blocked. This card brings the qualities of enchanted, healing water to cleanse and purify our stagnancy, our ‘clogged and blocked channels’, our lack of flow, to restore our magic to us.

Reading for this Month

“The message is for us all to look at how we have become clogged up and stagnant emotionally.  Water often signifies healing, and it is time for us to begin healing, both personally and collectively, from the awful difficulties many have faced since the pandemic began. 

How can you support yourself to let your feelings flow? Spending time outdoors near water, taking long salt baths, drinking lots of pure water, having a good cry, are all good ways to let the healing energy of water flow through your life.

The card also speaks of change, particularly a change in emotions and/or health.  There will be changes coming this year, and, just as water is mutable, changeable, and fluid, we can allow ourselves to flow with these changes – either towards “the calm, flowing purity of the faery waters or the boiling cauldron of hot temper and steamy emotions.”  This is a year for making choices about which way we want our lives, and our society, to flow.

The choices we make now determine how our future flows.”

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As I always recommend, please don’t just take my word for it…. Tune into the message for yourself, check in with your own intuition, and take what resonates for you and make it your own, letting go of anything that doesn’t.

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Wishing you all a light, bright, joyful and flowing 2022, with plenty of whatever your heart wishes for. May you and your loved ones be well, and joy and happiness shine through.

With love,
