Energy Reading - December 2021

Welcome, lovely folks, to my first reading for a group of people.  Thanks for tuning in.

For this month, I was guided to pick a card from the “Medicine Cards” deck, by Jamie Sams & David Carson, which offers wisdom through the medicine qualities of different animals.  It’s a wonderful deck that I’d highly recommend, if you are interested in buying a deck for yourself.


Our card for December is BADGER, in the reversed position.  Badger is symbolic of aggressiveness, tenacity, working towards goals, getting to the root of something. 

But when a card is reversed, it means that the medicine energy is not being expressed cleanly.  In this case, it symbolises passivity, inability to stand your ground, fear of the fight.  The quote from the book is “Contrary Badger speaks of a need for more aggressive action in life.  No more inactivity can prevail without creating some kind of pain.”

Reading for This Month

When I tuned in to see how this card relates to us collectively, the message was this:

“I see a white dove and I hear the word purity, symbolising peace and the highest of ideals. But there is fear.  Where are you afraid in your life right now?  Where are you not taking the bull by the horns and acting aggressively enough?  How are your boundaries?  What are you letting slide that you actually really care about? 

There is the perception that fierceness is unpalatable to others.  But is this actually a projection? How is not palatable to you?  Make your peace with your own fierceness.  Peace and fierceness can co-exist.  They keep the world in balance.  However, anger out of control does not bring peace.  There is a balance to be struck. 

Look to your roots.  They will not allow you to go astray.  You need to fight for your peace by holding on tenaciously to that which matters to you.”

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So, a strong message!  I always recommend that you don’t just take my word for it…. I invite you to tune into the message for yourself and take what resonates for you and make it your own, and let go of anything that doesn’t. 

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Wishing you all tenacity and peace this month.  Go well in the dark time up to Winter Solstice…. And I hope you have a lovely Christmas time, whatever you are doing.  

Big love from me,


P.S. I’ll be sending out an Energy Reading every month in my newsletter. If you haven’t already, you can sign up to receive it here.