Image by Max Van Den Oetelaar
Tighten the scarf so you feel the pressure of it around you
At the moment, I’m passionate about what I call “Nervous System Hacks”! These are simple practices that enable us to ‘hack into’ our reflexive (unconscious) nervous system functioning to manage our emotional state.
Consistent with the theme of being “held” in the warm, dark womb-space running up to Solstice this December, here is a simple one which I call the Holding Self-Hug.
Great for: anxiety, overwhelm, stress, panic, distress, feeling triggered
How to do the Holding Self-Hug
Grab a wide scarf, shawl or small blanket. Put it round your shoulders and pull it tight in front of you. Then twist the ends you are holding in front into a knot, so that the scarf tightens firmly around your shoulders. And then sit for a while. You can be watching TV, listening to music or talking to someone, or whatever feels good to you, as long as you keep the pressure up.
What effect should it have?
Over time, you should begin to notice yourself calming down, your breathing regulating, your heart rate slowing and feel like you are beginning to come to rest. And hopefully, you will feel safe again.
How does it work?
We all have neuroceptors that respond to the sensation of pressure on our bodies. When they detect pressure, they signal the message of ‘SAFETY’ back to the nervous system which then switches off the fight or flight response. Our nervous system begins to regulate and we feel more settled.
Neuroceptors are why children seek safety in their parents’ laps, why it feels good to snuggle with an animal, why babies that are not held can ‘fail to thrive’, and why weighted blankets are great for those with sensitive nervous systems.
So please do give it a go and see if it works for you, and let me know if you have any questions.
Wishing you happy self-hugging!
P.S. I’ll be sending out a new Therapy Treasure every month in my newsletter. If you haven’t already, you can sign up to receive it here.